Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer {Book Review}

Book: Twilight
Author: Stephenie Meyer
Category: Fiction, YA Fantasy/Romance

Seventeen year old Isabella (Bella) Swan moved to Forks to live with her dad (the Chief Police) and found herself the talk of the town - and the focus of one particular male, Edward Cullen. But, Edward is no ordinary male. He's a century-old vampire in the body of a 17-year-old. The initial pull towards Bella is due to his attraction to her scent and her blood. He loves her - but he is in constant danger of killing her. Yet, Edward becomes trouble-prone Bella's protector and saviour. They fall in love. But, their romance was never meant to go smoothly.

Review: Admittedly, I've resisted getting in to the Twilight series. Not because I'm trying to be a literary snob, as I don't really consider myself as one. I can read just about anything (as you'll probably see in these reading logs). It's just that even though I love fantasy, I'm not particularly keen on vampire lore. Maybe partly because like Bella from the book (and apparently, Ms Meyer herself?), I get all woozy when it comes to blood. That's why even though some of my good friends have been such Buffy fans - and later, Twilight fans - I was never lured in to such things (but admittedly, I did like Anne Rice's "Interview with the Vampire"). But, as I continue to study the genre of YA fantasy, Twilight kept coming up in some examples. So, as a writer, I decided that I had to know what people are talking about. So, I did. And, I have to say that it's a love/hate thing for me. In fact, I don't even know how to rate this book (especially because I don't want to be flamed by Twilight fans! :-D) All I know is that I can understand why people love it. I can understand the attraction to the series and the characters. But, there were just so many things that I found difficult to enjoy about it, and yet, I'm still hooked... So, what can I say? (Well, truthfully, I can say heaps more, but... I'm going to hold it. For now.)

Studio Notes Rating: 4/5 | { Buy at Amazon } | { Buy at Fishpond }

READ: January 2010

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